\ ˈərsəs vəˈnir \
18th sun / 2nd astral moon | 3/18
xaela | of the azim steppe
7′1" or 216cmwitness of dalamud's fall
tribe-seeking traveler
Although his large frame and stern countenance appear intimidating, he is quick to smile and is easily befriended. His trusting and agreeable nature can be mistaken for being gullible or naive, which isn't the case. Rather than analysing others, he relies on intuition and reading body language to gauge a person's character.Oft sidetracked for most of his life, the independence forced upon him at a young age granted a sense of whimsicality to his decisions. A tactile person at heart; he performs best in doing, letting wild instinct and intuition guide him. Verbal explanations tend to fail him, preferring to express himself via actions instead. His love for interpersonal touch tends to drive people away, much to his chagrin.In battle, he fights savagely, akin to that of a carnal beast. This
reckless and destructive nature lends itself to his basal instincts to protect what he claims as one of his own. His tendency to charge straight into melee range of his opponents tend to catch them off-guard, giving him the upper hand. With little regard for his own safety in a bid to swiftly eradicate or chase off his opponents, he amasses injuries in skirmishes more often than a regular fighter would.
Born in a small tribe that carved a living between the fringes of the harsh desert and the steppe's greenery, U'rsus led a peaceful life in his early years. Preternatural intuition common between his people allowed the tribe to avoid skirmishes with their neighbours and aggressive beasts while living off the land and their livestock.When bees to distance wing their flight, days are warm and skies are bright; but when their flight ends near their home, stormy weather is sure to come.Much like how spiders knew the coming of a rainstorm, his tribe felt the shift in the land's whispers. Murmurs of destruction; a foreign entity returned; of dangers the realm had yet to behold. Beckoned by curiosity, a small group split off to leave the steppe with which he tagged along.With little knowledge of the purpose of this foray, the young Xaela was left wholly unprepared for the the fall of Dalamud; suddenly bereft of his kin and lacking the ability to return to the steppe from whence they came.Left with no choice but to survive on his own, he grew up on Eorzean soil with a faint recollection of his tribal identity and mannerisms. He still searches for his tribe today, guided by faded memories and the persistent hope that he still has a home and family to return to.
No, I don't actually roleplay, I don't know how.
I can make you carrds like this though.I'm open to headcanons; if you're interested in this character, let's be friends!
We can come up with dumb adventures and watch the mishaps they get into.I enjoy doing content as well, so tell me if you need any help!